DESIGN TEAM - Samantha Carlson
The proposed planting plan fulfills the requirements outlined by Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use in the letter to our client dated December 20, 2018. In addition to fulfilling the minimum requirements the client plans to enhance the shoreland area to an even greater degree. He is doing this to offset the proposed grading that would accompany the proposed home and pool construction. The proposed planting plan provides an additional fifteen feet of mitigation that follow recommended planting densities for the tree, shrub and herbaceous plant layer per Wisconsin Biology Technical Note 1: Shoreland Habitat. In addition to the fifteen feet of additional planting buffer. Natural outcropping stone will be used for retaining walls for a very naturalized aesthetic and additional plants will be proposed to soften the impact of the walls.
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Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal, Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal
Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal, Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal
Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal , land disturbance
Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal , land disturbance
Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal , Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal
Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal , Waukesha County zoning violation - tree removal

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